One Healthy World Workshop

An Exclusive 90 Mins Online Workshop
with the best practitioners dedicated to harnessing your inner wisdom, deepening your self-descovery and
healing journey through these times of transition and uncertainty.
Register @INR 499/- for 4 Workshops
Dr. Cijith Sreedhar

Dr. Cijith Sreedhar

Chief Medical Officer Prakriti Shakti - by CGH Earth Naturopath | Holistic Healer

Topic: Meet the most amazing healer - Your Body

Date: 7th August 2021, Saturday
Time: 12pm

Our Key Takeaway:
Understanding the self-healing capacity of our body, the role of diet and gut in our overall health, and Post Covid Recovery.

Topic: Intimacy with Breath - The Rasa for Healing

Date: 14th August 2021, Saturday
Time: 5pm

Our Key Takeaway:
Learn how to invite, ignite and allow prana, the life force to expand your vitality and give you an intimate experience of consciousness itself; Understanding Mantra as Pranayam.

Mirabelle D'Cunha Sivajyoti

Founder: Sadhana Club Yogic Breathwork Wisdom Keeper Community Weaver | Joy Catalyst

Rajashree Tupe

Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher Founder of Shriyog Institute in Pune

Topic : Iyengar Yoga - Practice & Philosophy

The teachings of Guriji BKS Iyengar, Dr Geeta Iyengar & Shri Prashant Iyengar

Date: 21st August 2021, Saturday
Time: 12pm

Our Key Takeaway:
A crystal clear understanding of the power and impact of Iyengar Yoga through the practice of Asanas
Dr. Anuradha Choudry

Dr. Anuradha Choudry

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Centre of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems, Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness IIT Kharagpur

Topic: Sanskrit: Its Mantric and Psycholinguistic dimensions

Date: 28th August 2021, Saturday
Time: 12pm

Our Key Takeaway:
Discovering Sanskrit as a Yoga in itself.

Register Now

Register @INR 499/- for 4 Workshops
Register @INR 149/- for 1 Workshops

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